Preventing Family Separation and Promoting Reintegration

Changing the Way We Care

Preventing Family Separation and Promoting Reintegration is a comprehensive baseline survey by Changing the Way We Care Haiti aimed at informing the design of a robust care reform program focused on averting family separation and fostering sustainable reintegration. The initiative prioritized the perspectives of both children and families to gain a nuanced understanding of the challenges surrounding child-family separation. The survey objectives were multifaceted, encompassing the exploration of caregivers and children's perceptions regarding the phenomenon, identification of pre-existing institutional and community-based solutions, assessment of current reintegration processes for potential enhancement, and the examination of Residential Care Center (RCC) managers' viewpoints on family reintegration and transition. Moreover, the survey sought to identify viable awareness-raising strategies to bolster preventive measures against family-child separation, emphasizing a holistic and inclusive approach to address the complex dynamics of this issue.

Through a thorough examination of these key areas, Changing the Way We Care Haiti aimed to develop a care reform program that not only understands the intricacies of family separation but also capitalizes on existing solutions and practices. By engaging stakeholders at various levels and incorporating diverse perspectives, the initiative sought to create a targeted and effective strategy to promote family preservation and sustainable reintegration, ultimately fostering a more supportive and nurturing environment for children and families in Haiti.




Preventing Family Separation and Promoting Reintegration