Online consultations on the draft Nurturing Care Framework

World Health Organization & UNICEF

WHO and UNICEF, supported by The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH), the ECD Action Network (ECDAN) and many other partners, is leading a process to scale up action and results for early child development in collaboration with countries and all other relevant stakeholders.

This process will produce a Nurturing Care Framework to guide policy, programme, and budget support focused on early childhood development in the early years and most concretely, on the first 1000 days since conception, at country level. The Framework will be a tool to enable the health sector to step up its role while increasing the strength of national multi-sectoral programming.

The Framework will make the case for investments in the early moments and years in a child’s life as a fundamental approach to enable every child to thrive, and to achieve the Survive, Thrive and Transform goals of the Global Strategy, contributing to the achievement of SDG4.2 target and to the attainment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals more broadly.

The first online consultation on the Nurturing Care Framework for early childhood development was held between 24th January and 6th February. A summary of the responses submitted will be available on the page below in March. Please mark your calendars for the second online consultation which commences on 12 March. Please contact with any questions.

Learn more about the Nurturing Care Framework here.