Care Leavers in England Data Pack

Department for Education

In 2010 the UK Government strengthened the duties local authorities have towards their care leavers. The Care Leavers (England) Regulations 2010 and the statutory guidance Volume 3: Planning Transition to Adulthood for Care Leavers came into force in April 2011 and are based on the best local practice. This data pack, produced by the Department for Education, aims to summarize national data about children who leave care aged 16 and over and outcomes of care leavers at age 19. The pack was also developed to help local authorities to compare their performance with others and to investigate issues such as age of leaving care and placement stability on the outcomes of care leavers.

The pack includes background information on the context and policy for care leavers in England, the key findings from the data collected, as well as the Department’s key messages from its analysis of the data collected. The pack also offers questions that local authorities need to ask themselves about how the needs of care leavers are being met and provides recommendations for future steps.
