An analysis of child deprivation and inequality in Cambodia

UNICEF Cambodia

This paper from UNICEF presents a profile of children  in Cambodia, paying particular attention to those who are left behind in different spheres - education, health and nutrition, and protection - against the backdrop of society’s prevalent inequality. It attempts to present key parameters computed from three databases: the Cambodia Socio-economic Survey (CSES) of 2010, the Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (CDHS) of 2010 and the Commune Database (CDB) of 2010. At the time of writing, 2010 is the latest year for which data on human development indicators is available, and this analysis is the most recent equity-focused account of child status in Cambodia. The paper focuses on data analysis, presenting statistics of prevalent inequitable development outcomes.

The paper includes a section on orphans which presents data on the estimated number of orphans in Cambodia disaggregated by geographic area. The paper also notes that 80% of orphaned children (those with no living parent), live with guardians.
