Systems and Strategies for Identifying and Enumerating Children Outside of Family Care

Child Abuse and Neglect: The International Journal

Methodologies to identify and enumerate children outside of family care vary as do the vulnerability categories of the children themselves. Children outside of family care is a broad term encompassing children absent of permanent family care, e.g., institutionalized children, children on/of the street, child-headed households, separated or unaccompanied children, trafficked children, children working in exploitive labor situations, etc. This paper reviews the various methodologies applied to identify and enumerate these often hidden and/or mobile populations. Methodologies that identify and enumerate children outside of family strive to meet two objectives: (1) to estimate the number and characteristics of a specific vulnerability category and (2) to determine eligibility to receive services. The paper reviews eight methodologies; six are categorized as survey sample methods (time-location sampling, capture recapture sampling, respondent driven sampling, the neighborhood method, household surveys, and establishment surveys) while two were labeled as data management systems (child labor management system, and databases of institutions). Each review includes a concise description of the methodology, its strengths and limitations, the most appropriate population it is suited to identify and/or enumerate, and any necessary conditions. Conclusions from these reviews advocate for tailoring a methodology (or a combination of methodologies) to the specific circumstances under which it is meant to identify or enumerate children outside of family care. In addition, further research and validation studies are needed to identify the conditions under which the strategies described here can be used and to develop appropriate protocols for utilization.

©Thomas Pullum, Claudia Cappa, James Orlando, Meredith Dank, Susan Gunn, Maury Mendenhall, and Kate Riordan