Family Resource Centers: Vehicles for Change

The California Family Resource Center Learning Circle

In recent years many initiatives, funding sources and programs have used the term “family resource center” to describe what they do. The broad use of this term has at times created confusion on the part of program staff, administrators, funders, community members and consumers of service. The purpose of this document is to define the key characteristics and activities of quality family resource centers, describe how they function as a vehicle for change for families and communities, and help policymakers and funders “make the case” for the family resource center approach to providing family support services.

This document is the result of a year-long Learning Circle process that explored the experience of practitioners and the writing of experts. Learning Circles, ad-hoc groups of individuals who come together to improve outcomes for children and families, are a flexible approach to collaborative learning. They are facilitated by a trained learning ally who guides the group in clarifying its learning objective, identifying resources needed to meet their goals and in generating a learning product.

The California Family Resource Center Learning Circle consisted of researchers, policymakers and funders, directors of family resource centers and technical experts from around the country. This diverse group reflected the knowledge and experience of family resource centers and communities across the state and the nation as well as the findings and publications of respected experts. 
