Role of the Ombudsman for Children in Protection of the Rights of Children Who Are Raised in Adoptive Families

Tuzova O. N. & Stepanova D. N. - Psychology and Law


The topic of the article is interdisciplinary. The practice of psychological and pedagogical support for children raised in guardianship families shows the need for psychological and legal assistance. The aim is to develop proposals for the organization of a legal and regulatory framework in accordance with the social and psychological needs of guardianship families and to identify the possibilities of the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child to protect the rights of minors raised in guardianship families. The article identifies the current problems of guardianship families and considers the existing legal framework for the protection of the rights of minors raised in families with a related form of guardianship. One of the main problems of psychological and pedagogical support for children raised in families with a related form of guardianship is the absence of a coordinating center for the organization of cooperation between educational organizations, guardianship bodies, centers for psychological, pedagogical, medical, and social assistance. The Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child may be the focal point. It is also proposed to establish, based on the offices of the Ombudsmen for the Rights of the Child, centers for the support of guardianship families in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, to which both guardians and children can apply. These measures are aimed at preventing secondary orphans.