Better Care Network Strategic Plan 2014 - 2017

Better Care Network

In 2013, Better Care Network (BCN) initiated an important process of developing a new Strategic Plan identifying the main strategic focus for its work over the next four years (2014-2017). The plan is based on an analysis of BCN’s achievements to date, the strategic areas in which BCN can have most impact in the future by working with key actors to strengthen the response to children without adequate family care. 

The Strategic Plan was developed with the support of Global Child Protection Services through a collaborative process that included: 60 interviews with key informants; an on-line survey to which there were 141 respondents; and internal and external literature reviews. The information gathered was presented in a Background Paper, which formed the basis for discussion at a two-day workshop with the Steering Committee and Secretariat, at which strategic priorities and organizational arrangements for the next four years were agreed. The Strategic Plan was endorsed by the BCN Steering Committee. 

BCN has organized its work under three Strategic Pillars that identify the main approaches that BCN uses in its work:

1. information exchange;

2. standard setting, technical support and guidance; and

3. leadership, brokerage and convening.

In this strategic plan, BCN will focus its work around four Strategic Priorities, which involve activities across all three Strategic Pillars:

1. Supporting the implementation of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children and technically sound child care related policies and practices,

2. Facilitating the development and implementation of a comprehensive child care research agenda that informs policy and practice,

3. Contributing to positive changes in social norms and behaviors that will result in improved care practices and better outcomes for children,

4. Maximizing BCN’s role and value as a network
