Critical Self-Reflection Questions for Professionals Who Work with Grandfamilies

Megan L. Dolbin-MacNab - GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy


One of the reasons that grandparents raising grandchildren in the US may not receive needed services is because they perceive professionals as being judgmental or holding negative attitudes toward them. As such, it is important for human service professionals to critically examine their opinions and attitudes toward grandfamilies, within the context of larger social structures, for the purposes of identifying those views that might interfere with the delivery of high quality services. This practice brief provides an overview of critical self-reflection questions that can be used, in a variety of ways, for training purposes. By utilizing these critical self-reflection questions, professionals can discover biases or attitudes that can then be addressed or challenged, to ensure that grandfamilies feel supported, respected, and affirmed by the professionals with whom they come into contact.