Determining Acceptable Customary Caregiving Arrangement with Congolese Refugees in Rwanda

CPC Learning Network

CPC Learning Network Associate Director, Mark Canavera, Janis Ridsdel from UNHCR, Sara Lim from UNICEF, and Nathalie Bussien, UNHCR Child Protection Officer in Rwanda will host a webinar on “Determining Acceptable Customary Caregiving Arrangements with Congolese Refugees in Rwanda” on Monday, December 19 from 9:00-10:30 am EDT. They will present the findings from a recent attempt to better under customary caregiving arrangement for refugee children living in two camp-based populations in Rwanda. UNHCR believes that by exploring and embracing the true definition of unaccompanied and separated children—which allows that children living in acceptable customary caregiving arrangements are not actually “separated”—UNHCR Rwanda can potentially realign its child protection efforts.
