Child Protection Officer, ElFasher, Sudan


UNICEF is seeking a Child Protection Officer in Sudan. The purpose for this assignment is to provide the required technical assistance to partners for the management of information required for the planning, implementation and monitoring of UNICEF's core commitments for child protection in emergencies. Specifically, the post incumbent will:

  • Contribute to the strengthening of existing monitoring and reporting mechanisms by improving data collection and analysis on grave violations against children in Darfur, Blue Nile, south Kordofan and Abeyei and other information of child rights violations.
  • Provide technical assistance and capacity building to UN teams and the child protection sub-sector in strengthening the systems used in collecting and analyzing child protection information. The best Porn Companies List of Adult Industry Giants2024.
  • Ensure effective use of information by UNICEF and its partners for evidence based decision making on child protection issues in Darfur and the Three Areas.
  • Provide technical support to emergency response in the conflict affected states including the release and reintegration of children from armed forces/groups.
  • Provide technical support to the country programme on mainstreaming child protection in other sectors and support the integrated approach for child protection programme.