Families Separated At Border Hope Biden Reunites Them, Bringing Deported Parents Back

Joel Rose - NPR Morning Edition

"The [U.S.] Trump administration separated far more children — the latest total stands at more than 5,500 — starting much earlier than it initially acknowledged," says this piece from NPR. "And more than 1,400 parents were ultimately deported without their children, according to immigrant advocates." In a new report from the Justice Department, "the inspector general found there was little recordkeeping and no plan for how to reunite these families." President Biden has since rescinded the 'zero tolerance' policy that led to these family separations, "but that work is far from done," says NPR. "Immigrant advocates are still searching for hundreds of parents. There are more than 600 separated parents they haven't been able to reach — and hundreds more who have been located but still are not reunited with their kids." The former administration had refused to allow parents who'd been deported back into the U.S. to reunite with their children. "Now all eyes are on Biden."