
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

Displaying 2501 - 2510 of 2533
Ethiopian Herald

Ethiopian Womens Affairs Ministry and UNICEF hosted a training for all stakeholders on the 1993 Hague Convention. The training focused on facilitating ways for the adoption of the Hague in line with the laws and regulations of Ethiopia.

Maia Szalavitz, Huffington Post

In this opinion piece, written for the Huffington Post, the author explains her views on the institutionalization of children, particularly infants and children under five years old. She concludes with her recommendations for abolishing baby orphanages.

Save the Children UK and World Vision UK

Opinion editorial on risks associated with using intercountry adoption as an emergency response to the needs of children in Haiti.


Deputy Executive Director Hilde Johnson calls for all unaccompanied and/or separated children to be registered, traced and reunited with family where possible and appropriate. This includes children who were in alternative care, such as in crèches and “orphanages”, prior to the earthquake.

Miami Herald

US State child welfare administrators had started planning for a possible influx of Haitian children orphaned by the catastrophic quake, but now are being told there will be no such exodus.

US Department of State

Statement noting potential dangers associated with ICA in emergencies with specific reference to risk of family separation.

Disasters Emergency Committee - Relief Web

Member agencies of the Disasters Emergency Committee are calling for international focus to remain on reuniting children who have lost their families during the earthquake in Haiti rather than adopting them out of the country.

NGO Working Groups on Children without Parental Care

Call for humanitarian response to uphold recommendations set forth in the Guidelines for Alternative Care in regards to care for children in emergencies, preventing family separation and promoting family based care in their community of origin where possible.

Disasters Emergency Committee - ReliefWeb

Member agencies of the Disasters Emergency Committee are calling for international focus to remain on reuniting children who have lost their families during the earthquake in Haiti rather than adopting them out of the country.