
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Clifford O. Odimegwu - Family Demography and Post-2015 Development Agenda in Africa,

This paper examines all policy and laws related to families in the South, West, East and Central regions of sub-Saharan Africa.

Adrian D. van Breda & John Pinkerton - Emerging Adulthood,

The special issue of Emerging Adulthood titled “Care-Leaving in Africa” is the first collection of essays on care-leaving by African scholars. This article, coauthored by scholars from North and South, argues in favor of North–South dialogue but highlights several challenges inherent in this, including the indigenizing and thus marginalizing of African experience and scholarship and divergent constructions of key social concepts.

Janet Njelesani - Child Abuse & Neglect,

Guided by social-ecological theory, this study explores responses to violence against children with disabilities, including preventative measures and treatment of victims in the West African countries of Guinea, Niger, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

Janet Njelesani, Goli Hashemi, Cathy Cameron, Deb Cameron, Danielle Richard and Penny Parnes - BMC Public Health,

This study explores violence experienced by children with disabilities based on data collected from four countries in West Africa- Guinea, Niger, Sierra Leone, and Togo.

SOS Children's Villages International,

The aim of this report from SOS Children's Villages is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the needs and rights of young people ageing out of alternative care around the world, in order to inform strategies, policies and services to improve their life chances and outcomes through appropriate preparation for leaving care as well as after-care support.

Dr Neil Howard, Dr Mélanie Jacquemin, Dr Dorte Thorsen - Terre des hommes- Lausanne, du MAEJT et de ENDA ,

Le présent document constitue le rapport de référence pour le Projet pour la Protection des Enfants Migrants le long du Corridor Abidjan-Lagos (CORAL), conçu principalement en tant qu'analyse de situation susceptible d'orienter la programmation future du projet.

Dr Neil Howard, Dr Mélanie Jacquemin, Dr Dorte Thorsen - Terre des hommes- Lausanne, the AMWCY and ENDA,

The present document constitutes the baseline report for the Project for the Protection of Migrant children along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor (CORAL), undertaken primarily as a situation analysis able to guide future programming.

Dorte Thorsen, University of Sussex - Terre des hommes- Lausanne, ENDA and the African Movement of Working Children and Youth ,

This research brief is based on a baseline study carried out in the first phase of the Child Migrants Along the Abidjan-Lagos Corridor (CORAL) project to help identify situated approaches to implementation, drawing evidence from all five countries but aiming for locally specific actions and solutions.

Guedehoussou T, Azoumah D, Djadou E, Agbèrè AD, Tatagan Agbi K and Atakouma DY - Pediatric Infectious Disease,

The authors conducted a case-control study of 102 children with positive HIV serology out of 956 received and screened at admission at Sainte Claire Nursery (SCN) in Lomé from 1st January 2000 to 31st December 2014 with the aim of to determine the social profile, the weight evolution and the fate of these children admitted in a difficult situation.

SOS Villages d'Enfants ,

Comment les réseaux sociaux solides soutiennent les enfants d’Afrique subsaharienne et leurs familles. Les enfants et les familles vulnérables ont besoin d’un système de soutien social qui réponde aux problèmes qu’ils rencontrent grâce à des solutions efficaces et durables. Les observations présentées dans ce rapport sont un « cliché instantané » des pratiques prometteuses  en matière de développement et de pérennité de la communauté.