Scotland: National Care Standards. Early Education and Childcare up to the Age of 16

Scottish Executive

WHAT:   A set of standards for early education and childcare services for children and young people up to the age of 16 years operating in the public, private and voluntary sectors, and in domestic or non-domestic premises.  Covers services provided for over two hours a day and for six days or more each year.  The range of services covered include:

  • nursery classes;

  • crèches;

  • childminders;

  • after school clubs;

  • and playground groups.

WHO: Early education and childcare providers, professional childcarers, parents, young people and children.  Also for policy makers and those assessing the quality of services of early education and childcare providers.

WHERE:  These standards are for services in Scotland, UK.  Significant modifications would be required to be able to use this document in other settings.

WHY: Serves as an example of early education and childcare service standards from the perspective of parents, young people and children.  Useful for education and childcare agencies, and government regulators when establishing and monitoring quality care.

N.B.  This document is part of a series, all included in this toolkit.  See also:

  • National Care Standards.  Adoption Agencies, Scottish Executive, 2005.

  • National Care Standards.  Foster Care and Family Placement Services, Scottish Executive, 2005.

  • National Care Standards.  Care Homes for Children and Young People, Scottish Executive, 2005.

  • National Care Standards. Childcare Agencies, Scottish Executive, 2006.

  • National Care Standards. School Care Accommodation Services, Scottish Executive, 2005.
