Resource Center on COVID-19 and Children's Care

This section includes resources on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to child protection and children's care.

News on COVID-19 and Children's Care

Webinars and Events on COVID-19 Response 


Displaying 111 - 120 of 750

Rebecca K Jones, David Westlake - Qualitative Social Work,

This essay describes the impact of the pandemic on the authors' experiences as Independent Visitors (IVs) for children who are looked-after.

Save the Children,

This catalogue is an easy-to-use collection of lessons learned from Child Protection innovations and adaptations that were implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is primarily intended for use by Save the Children and partner Child Protection staff at country level.

The Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action,

This report highlights the actions points for all sectors to apply during future waves of COVID-19 and infectious disease outbreaks that emerged from Day 3 of the 2020 Annual Meeting on Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. 

Laura Orlando, Ashley N. Rousson, Susan Barkan, Kristen Greenley, Alyssa Everitt, and Emiko A. Tajima - Developmental Child Welfare,

This study reports on the rapid development and implementation of an eLearning and structured practice guide for visitation supervisors to help them facilitate virtual visits that promote parent-caregiver collaboration in support of the child.

Kerrie Proulx, Rachel Lenzi-Weisbecker, Rachel Hatch, Kristy Hackett, Carina Omoeva, Vanessa Cavallera, Bernadette Daelmans, Tarun Dua - medRxiv,

This rapid review takes stock of emerging research on nurturing care for young children during the COVID-19 crisis.

Kristy Hackett, Kerrie Proulx, Carina Omoeva - FHI360 and Lego Foundation,

This Case Study Report, prepared in partnership with World Health Organization (WHO) and the LEGO Foundation, describes the implementation experiences and emerging lessons of COVID-19 response strategies of seven programmes that prioritize nurturing care and early childhood development (ECD) in their work.

Kerrie Proulx, Rachel Lenzi-Weisbecker, Rachel Hatch, Kristy Hackett, and Carina Omoeva - FHI 360 and Lego Foundation,

This rapid review takes stock of emerging research on nurturing care for young children during the COVID-19 crisis.

READY: Global Readiness for Major Disease Response,

This second webinar in the 'Introducing Guidance for Alternative Care Provision During COVID-19' webinar series hosted on 28 January 2021, is aimed at policy makers and explains their role in developing policies and guidance to prevent family separation during an outbreak.

READY: Global Readiness for Major Disease Response,

The first webinar, hosted on 27 January 2021, is aimed at health practitioners with the goal of introducing the guidance and helping practitioners understand their role in preventing family separation and supporting unaccompanied and separated children.

Gabriela Guerrero - Programa de Educación del Diálogo Interamericano y la Oficina Regional para América Latina y el Caribe de UNICEF,

Este mapeo inicial tiene dos objetivos: a) identificar temas e intereses comunes entre las encuestas implementadas en los diferentes países de la región; y b) analizar las fortalezas y desafíos enfrentados cuando se implementan este tipo de ejercicios de medición, en particular durante una situación de distanciamiento social como la que implica la Covid-19.