Child Care and Protection Policies

Child care and protection policies regulate the care of children, including the type of support and assistance to be offered, good practice guidelines for the implementation of services, standards for care, and adequate provisions for implementation. They relate to the care a child receives at and away from home.

Displaying 881 - 890 of 1727

Chrissie Gale - Scottish Journal of Residential Child Care,

This study discusses a variance in results in eliminating use of large-scale residential institutions for children across the CEE/CIS region.  

Government of Kenya, UNICEF and Global Affairs Canada,

The case study is part of a UNICEF global initiative, undertaken in collaboration with Global Affairs Canada to document national child protection frameworks in five core programming countries: Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Senegal and the United Republic of Tanzania.

Janestic Mwende Twikirize - Makerere University,

This report presents findings of two components of a Rapid Assessment of Catholic Care for Children in Uganda. The objective of the assessment was to examine the emerging legal framework pertaining to child protection and its implications for Catholic sisters and brothers who work with vulnerable children and their families.

Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children & Save the Children Sweden,

The report discusses progress made towards universal prohibition of corporal punishment of children, including by highlighting examples from individual states that have recently implemented legal and policy reforms. The report also considers prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment in the context of the new Sustainable Development Goals, and discusses initiatives by religious leaders and members of faith-based communities and organisations that are increasingly taking action towards prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment. Lastly, the report discusses the latest research relating to corporal punishment.

Betancourt TS, Zuilkowski SS, Ravichandran A, Einhorn H, Arora N, Bhattacharya Chakravarty A, et al.,

This study in India sought to develop the SAFE Checklist in order to assess site-level threats to child protection among children and families living in settings of adversity. The tool was field tested in two diverse sites in India (a construction site and a railway station) and the results demonstrated that the SAFE Checklist is a sensitive tool that captured the differences between the two sites from the standpoint of core child protection issues. 

Wenjie Sun, Yumei Zheng, Yiqiong Xie - Women and Birth,

In this letter to the editor, the authors express their support for the continued use of “baby hatches” in China. 

UNICEF y Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación,

Este nuevo relevamiento muestra y analiza datos actualizados relativos a la cantidad de niñas, niños y adolescentes (NNyA) sin cuidados parentales en la República Argentina, los lugares de cuidado donde están alojados, las condiciones en las que viven, el organismo que decidió que fueran separados o separadas de su mamá, papá o familia ampliada, los motivos de esta separación, los tiempos de permanencia en las instituciones, los motivos de ingreso y egreso.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

The two-day course outlined in these pages is designed to familiarise groups of care professionals with the international standards and principles surrounding children’s rights – and above all, to relate this to the daily experience and challenges arising in the field of alternative care.

SOS Children’s Villages International,

The two-day course outlined in these pages is designed to familiarise groups of care professionals with the international standards and principles surrounding children’s rights – and above all, to relate this to the daily experience and challenges arising in the field of alternative care.

Frank Noij and Chitrapon Vanaspong - Department of Children and Youth, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and UNICEF Thailand,

The present evaluation examines the National Child and Youth Development Plan, which provides a framework for the development of children and youth in Thailand. The evaluation aimed to review the design and implementation of the NCYDP and to generate lessons in order to improve the operation of the current plan and to inform the development of a follow-up plan for the period beyond 2016.