Data and Monitoring Tools

Monitoring and research are essential processes in ensuring the relevance and effectiveness of programs, and the scope and type of service provision. They are integral components of analysis, strategic planning, and implementation for government and non-governmental organisations seeking to effect change, support or provide services.

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Joan Duncan and Laura Arntson,

A comprehensive and detailed template for development and evaluation of psychosocial support projects. Emphasis on raising awareness of cultural and ethical issues associated with psychosocial interventions.

Catholic Relief Services and USAID,

Sound practices culled from the experiences of CRS Zimbabwe’s Support to Replicable, Innovative, Village/Community-Level Efforts to support children affected by AIDS (STRIVE) Program on Operations Research.

Bragi Gudbrandsson,

This report contains an overview of alternative care in Europe, the effects of institutions on children, statistical information and the different approaches of child protection systems within Europe. It includes reforming institutional care, foster care, post-care support, and the role of the social worker.

Jonathan Rivers, Eva Silvestre, and John Mason,

A report on the nutritional status of orphans in sub-Saharan Africa. Seeks to understand the relationship between child vulnerability and food security. Contains conclusions and recommendations relevant for future monitoring initiatives.

Catholic Relief Services and USAID,

This brief outlines Monitoring and Evaluation sound practices of “spot checking” when costs can be prohibitive and the use of “station days”, a participatory method to collect accurate data on children.


A brief fact sheet on the multilevel support needs of children without parental care. Includes a brief section on statistical data and examples of UNICEF action in several countries around the world.

Kalanidhi Subbarao and Diane Coury,

A detailed book providing evidence-based guidelines for approaches and interventions to best mitigate the various risks confronted by OVC.

Kyle Jemison, Joseph Mafara, Emmanuel Makiwa, Matt McGarry, Jennifer Lentfer and Lovemore Tinarwo ,

Monitoring and Evaluation and Operations Research guidelines for organizations implementing OVC/Children Affected by AIDS programs.

The Research Institute of Applied Economy (IPEA) and the National Council of the Rights of the Child and Adolescent (CONANDA),

This research study provides statistical information on institutional care of children under the age of 12 in Brazil. Interviews with institutions and children are conducted, and reasons for separation from family, length of time in care, status of family relationship, religious orientation and financial support of the institutions are highlighted.

G. Powell, T. Chinake, D. Mudzinge, W. Maambira, and S. Mukutiri,

Analyzes the state of institutional care in Zimbabwe against the national child protection policy. Focuses on the role of donors in the proliferation of institutional care and strategies to better regulate the development and provision of child protection services.