Social Protection Policies and Programmes

Poverty affects both the quality and length of children’s lives, reduces the ability of families to adequately provide for their children, and is a significant cause of family breakdown and child separation. Social assistance programmes aim to reduce child poverty and act as a safety net for families with minimal resources.

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Gareth Evans, Margaret Richards, Candace Nelson, Mary McVay, Terrence Isert, NtongiMcFadyen, Malini Tolat, Waddington Chinogwenya, Reid Hamel, Karl Frey, Andrew Tulchin and Sunny Yi-Han Lin with collaborations between and contributions from USAID’s LIFT,

This is a resource guide designed for PEPFAR implementing partners to help them effectively design and implement economic strengthening activities for vulnerable children. The guide lists gender, age, social inclusion, conflict, accessibility, chronic illness, and environment as reasons that certain children and households are vulnerable.

University of Nottingham, UK,

This document is an English language summary brochure of the Manual of Best Practice titled ‘Child Abandonment and its Prevention in Europe,’ specific to child abandonment in the UK.

Peroline Ainsworth, Elena Gaia, Anna Nordenmark Severinsson,

This edition of Insights produced by UNICEF summarizes the findings and recommendations of studies on the impact and outreach of social protection systems in Albania, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine where high rates of child placement in formal care still persist. The research offers important insight into the weaknesses and challenges faced by social protection systems in the region, but also point to ways in which policy-makers might maximise the impact of social protection systems in order to ‘keep families together’.

University of Nottingham, UK,

This document is an English language summary brochure of the Manual of Best Practice titled ‘Child Abandonment and its Prevention in Europe,’ specific to child abandonment in Romania.

Nayomi Kannangara ,

This manual, produced by Save the Children in Sri Lanka, provides guidance on Family Group Conferencing (FGC), which was introduced to the governmental childcare structure in Sri Lanka's Southern Providnce between 2006-2008. The key objectives of


This report provides data on children living in urban settings, including statistics, conditions, and personal testimonies. The report also includes UNICEF’s recommendations for policy regarding children in urban settings, working with this population, and for future action. Sections that are relevant to children’s care include: children living and working on the streets, migrant children, urban emergencies, and many more.

University of Nottingham, UK,

This document is a Slovakian language summary brochure of the Manual of Best Practice titled ‘Child Abandonment and its Prevention in Europe,’ specific to child abandonment in Slovakia.

Mark E. Courtneya, JoAnn Leeb, Alfred Pereza - Children and Youth Services Review,

Foster youth in the US do not appear to be receiving many forms of help that are called for in federal law. Over one-third did not receive help they would have liked to have received. System factors play a stronger role than individual indicators of need in help receipt. Independent living services should be more widely available and better targeted.

John Pinkerton - Children and Youth Services Review Volume 33, Issue 12, Young People's Transitions from Care to Adulthood,

Understanding youth transitions from out of home care must include developing countries. A model is presented to facilitate this global integration. The model combines resilience and social capital within a social ecology of support. Use of the model is illustrated by a South African youth mentoring scheme for care leavers.

CPC Livelihoods and Economic Strengthening Task Force,

This document analyses the review of 43 impact studies sought to methodically capture the known impacts of economic strengthening programs on the well-being of children (0-18 years) in crisis contexts in low-income countries.