
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

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Times of India

According to this article from the Times of India, all states in India, including Tamil Nadu, have been ordered by the National Commission of Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) to send all children in child care institutions back to their parents within 100 days.

Megha Mohan - BBC News

This article from BBC News tells the stories of transracial adoptive families in which parents of color have adopted white children, and the issues they have faced.


"Argued as being a way to save innocent lives, Japan’s first ever 'Baby Hatch' was established with nothing but good intentions," says this article from Metropolis. "However, a system that essentially allows parents to renounce their parenthood and anonymously give away their child raises questions of ethics, financial priorities and of what is thought to be the best interests of the child."

According to this article from, immigration experts have warned that "children in care and modern slavery victims who are EU citizens could 'fall through the cracks' and lose their right to live in the UK after Brexit."

The Irish Times

This letter, published in the Irish Times, calls for "a high-level national working group to address the cross-departmental responsibilities of the State to children in care, with a specific focus on meeting their holistic educational needs in a coordinated way, across all age levels."

Keir Simmons and Yuliya Talmazan - NBC News

In an interview with NBC News, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Amina Mohammed discussed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on women and girls, including the increase in child marriages and abuse.

Michelle Wiley and Adriana Morga - KQED

This article from KQED describes how the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted efforts to reunite families separated by U.S. immigration policy.

Jessica Bakeman - WLRN, Miami Times

Rep. Patricia Williams of the US state of Florida, a foster parent herself, is calling on the governor of Florida and the state Department of Children and Families "to institute a moratorium on young people aging out of the foster care system, to help them avoid the two-pronged health and economic crises of COVID-19 without state support," according to this article from the Miami Times.

Patrick Costello -

"There has been slow but consistent growth in private foster care placements [in Ireland] and an increase in the number of companies in this market," writes Patrick Costello in this opinion piece for "While these companies plug a gap in services, a gap that can leave children at risk, ultimately they lead to negative outcomes across the system," Costello argues.

Alexandra Ellerbeck - The Nation

“If the government takes a kid out of their family, we make a commitment to that child that their life will be better because of the government interaction,” said James McIntyre - who "spent 17 years in the custody of the Illinois Department of Family services" - as quoted in this article from the Nation.