
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

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Camille Corcoran, Rajeev Syal

Charities say FoI disclosure that 369 such children were held over 21-month period is ‘hugely concerning’.

Noel Titheradge, Annabel Deas - BBC News

Staff were filmed hitting, kicking and leaving special school pupils in their own urine, the BBC has found.

Naomi Larsson Piñeda - The Guardian

Four families torn apart by Chile’s illegal adoption scandal finally found each other decades later. They describe the emotional moment they met – and how they pieced together the lives they had spent apart


Human trafficking and migrant smuggling are multi-billion-dollar businesses that have changed dramatically in recent years, driven by global challenges such as war, large migration and refugee flows, cybercrime, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jacinta Mutura - The Standard

The outgoing chairperson of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) Archbishop Martin Kivuva said the Catholic church embraced the new law under the National Care Reform Strategy in Kenya after overwhelming scientific evidence showed that institutions are not good for children’s growth.

Jacinta Mutura - The Standard

Three years since *Celina decided to apply be a foster parent of *Stella, she recounted the journey she took to integrate her into her family in 2021. It was a challenging period of adjustment as the then six-year-old struggled to fit into a family set-up after spending several years in a children’s home.

Agence France-Presse

In Russia's Belgorod region, near the Ukrainian border, children are being evacuated by train after regional authorities announced 9,000 minors would be moved to other regions. The move follows weeks of deadly bombardment from Kyiv in the region, repeatedly targeted since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Jocelyn Jones, Hannah McGlade, Sasha Moodie - The Conversation

The 1997 Bringing Them Home report into the removal of Aboriginal children from their families was a turning point in Australia’s history. The inquiry rejected past government policies of assimilation and endorsed the importance of keeping Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with their families.

Emily Baumgaertner - New York Times

A federal judge is expected to rule soon on whether the government must provide shelter, food and medical care to minors while they await processing.

Christy Cooney - BBC News

The UN's top court has ordered Israel to enable the unhindered flow of aid into Gaza in order to avert a famine.