South Africa

List of Organisations


Children's Living Arrangements

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Living with Both Parents
DHS 2016
Children living with both parents, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016
Living with One Parent
DHS 2016
Children living with mother, father alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with mother, father dead, Total for children < 18; Children living with father, mother alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with father, mother dead, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016
Living with Neither Parent
DHS 2016
Children living with neither parent, both alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, mother alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, father alive, Total for children < 18; Children living with neither parent, both dead, Total for children < 18; ZA2016DHS: Statistics South Africa (STATS SA) - 2016


Children Living Without Biological Parents

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Both Parents Alive
DHS 2016
One Parent Dead
DHS 2016
Both Parents Dead
DHS 2016

Parental Survivorship

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Children with Both Parents Alive
Children with One Parent Alive
Children with Both Parents Dead

Displaying 211 - 220 of 315

List of Organisations

International AIDS Society,

The International AIDS Conference is the premier gathering for those working in the field of HIV, as well as policy makers, persons living with HIV and other individuals committed to ending the pandemic. It is a chance to assess where we are, evaluate recent scientific developments and lessons learnt, and collectively chart a course forward.

Edited by Benjamin Davis, Sudhanshu Handa, Nicola Hypher, Natalia Winder Rossi, Paul Winters, and Jennifer Yablonski – The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The United Nations Children’s Fund, and Oxford University Press,

This book published jointly by FAO, UNICEF, and Oxford University Press presents the findings from evaluations of the Transfer Project, a cash transfer project undertaken in the following sub-Saharan African countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.  It concludes that cash transfers are becoming a key means for social protection in developing countries. 

Newlin Marongwe, Reynold Sonn and Mabel-Wendy N. Mashologu - Journal of Social Science,

This  paper is the investigation of the level of teachers’ preparedness and their ability to deal with learners from child headed households (CHHs) in their (learners) academic pursuits.

Nataly Woollett - Children and Young People Living with HIV/AIDS, Part of the series Cross-Cultural Research in Health, Illness and Well-Being,

This study analyzes the experiences of adolescents living with HIV or AIDS.

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance,

This report captures what has been accomplished in social service workforce strengthening in eight countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and highlights areas for future intervention. Progress made to strengthen the social service workforce within these countries is useful when reflecting on global trends and ways forward.

Rachel Bray with Andrew Dawes - UNICEF,

This paper examines existing knowledge on raising adolescents in east and southern African countries, including Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.  According to the report, and within the context of these regions, parenting is understood to be handled through extended community and family networks.  

J Sloth-Nielsen and M Ackermann,

This document is a report on a study which involved a survey of all foreign-born children placed in child and youth care centers across South Africa’s Western Cape Province.  The study examines the intersection between migration law and children’s rights.  

Deborah Minors & Heather Dugmore - Sunday Times ,

In this piece for the South African Sunday Times, Deborah Minors writes about her father’s experience of discovering he was adopted and her research on men’s feelings regarding adoption. The article also features stories of other male adoptees and adoptive parents in South Africa, focusing on their attitudes and reactions towards adoption.

Keetie Roelen, Helen Karki Chettri, Suzanne Clulow, Camilla Jones, Payal Saksena and Emily Delap - Family for Every Child,

This report presents research on the impact of two cash transfer programs for vulnerable children in South Africa on children’s care.

A.R. Yakubovich, L. Sherr, L.D. Cluver, S. Skeen, I.S. Hensels, A. Macedo, M. Tomlinson - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study used cross-sectional data from 1848 South African children aged 9–13 to address three questions: whether CBOs are reaching those who are most vulnerable, whether attending these organizations is associated with greater psychosocial wellbeing, and how they might work.