Monitoring State Compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Ziba Vaghri, Jean Zermatten, Gerison Lansdown, Roberta Ruggiero

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child—the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the world—entered into force in 1990. This was a major milestone, but only the beginning of the long journey toward greater respect for the rights of children and young people. Three decades of reporting from the States Parties to the Committee on the Rights of the Child have revealed many gaps between the promise of the convention and the reality on the ground for children. As with other human rights treaties, the full realization of children’s rights under the convention remains a challenge.

This book is an article-by-article analysis of almost all substantive, organizational, and procedural provisions of the Convention. These analyses have identified the main attributes to be considered when measuring a State’s progressive implementation of the convention. Providing clarity on what child rights obligations mean in practice is an essential part of effective advocacy with States Parties.

While it is a stand-alone publication, it will also serve as an important compendium and reference tool for people working with the GlobalChild platform—the first comprehensive child rights monitoring platform to collect data and track change in securing children’s rights using the human rights-based approach to indicators. 
