Children with Disabilities

A disability includes a physical impairment such as mobility, hearing, visual, and language difficulties, and developmental delays which affect a person’s behaviour, emotional expression, and learning abilities. It includes mild to severe disabilities, from cerebral palsy, paralysis and amputation, to blindness, deafness, autism, and dyslexia. Children may be born with an impairment, or develop one as a result of disease, abuse, or an injury, e.g. many children are the victims of shootings, bombings, and explosions in conflict affected areas. 

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Changing the Way We Care,

Disability inclusion means breaking down barriers to promote a society that values diversity and accessibility for everyone. In 2023, Changing the Way We Care Kenya included a disability inclusion reflection learning exercise aimed at collecting views and feedback, and documenting how the initiative had impacted on lives of caregivers and children with disabilities, and how disability issues were be included in the care reform agenda.


This report provides critical evidence for decision-makers across countries to use in both policy and programming. The report’s objective is to promote the use of these data to make children with disabilities in Europe and Central Asia more visible, bringing about a fuller understanding of their life experiences.

Changing the Way We Care,

În perioada ianuarie - iunie 2023, Asociația de Suport Familial de Recuperare Timpurie a Copiilor cu Deficiențe de Auz și Văz ”AudiViz” a realizat un studiu care a avut scopul de a analiza perceptia parintilor și a copiilor/tinerilor cu dizabilitate de auz privind calitatea vietii lor, a serviciilor oferite de autoritățile publice și dacă acestea răspund nevoilor lor sau contribuie la sprijinirea familiei, la reabilitarea şi integrarea socială, educațională.


This WHO-UNICEF Global Report on children with developmental disabilities provides principles and approaches  to intentionally include the needs and aspirations of children and young people with developmental disabilities in policy, programming and public health monitoring.

Rose Uzoma Elekanachi, Keiko Shikako, Laurie Snider, Noemi Dahan-Oliel,

This study examined the extent to which Nigeria’s current disability and childhood policies have integrated the CRC and the CRPD frameworks. Using a structured search of databases and Nigerian federal and state government websites, we conducted a policy review to identify their disability and child-related disability policies.


This UNICEF report aims to promote the use of data to make children with disabilities in the region more visible, bringing about a fuller understanding of their life experiences. It offers evidence crucial to decision-making to fulfill obligations, both moral and legal, to give every child an equal chance in life.

Terri Libesman, Paul Gray, Eloise Chandler, Linda Briskman, Aminath Didi, Scott Avery,

This research sought to improve understanding of the experiences of parents with disability of Australian child protection systems, paying particular attention to the experiences of First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse parents with disability.

Hope and Homes for Children,

The Hope for Homes team in Rwanda helps communities become more inclusive for children with disabilities. 

Disability Rights International, Disability Rights Ukraine,

DRI asked more than 500 families living in Ukraine what they are now experiencing during the war and what they need. In interviews with DRI staff, parents lay out all the difficult challenges and barriers they face. These interviews provide a blueprint of the change that must occur – by governments, donors, policymakers, caregivers, and communities during the war and recovery process.

Patrícia da Silva Bezerra, Yuri Leandro do Carmo de Souza, Matheus dos Santos da Silveira, Edmylla Francyelle dos Santos Silva, Simone Souza da Costa Silva,

This study aimed to describe the perception of caregivers and the role of professionals in the process of family reintegration and adoption of children and adolescents with disabilities in a host institution in Belém/PA, Brazil.