Better Care Network Netherlands welcomes the new white paper initiative by the VVD to combat orphanage tourism

Better Care Network Netherlands

On 7 November the leading liberal party in the Netherlands, the VVD (Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie), released a white paper proposal (‘initiatiefnota’) on measures to combat orphanage tourism. The Better Care Network Netherlands, a national network of children’s rights organisations, welcomes the initiative by the VVD and believes that a positive response is crucial to protect children.

‘The Dutch government, following the example set by countries, is in a position to step up its efforts to prevent this form of exploitation. For some time now, we have been calling for more attention from the government to the damage caused to children by orphanage tourism’, says Patricia Nieuwenhuizen of Better Care Network Netherlands. ’Vulnerable children in poor countries are often the victims of well-intentioned travellers from the Netherlands. Children living in orphanages are in the majority of cases not even orphans. Children have a right to grow up in their own families or in alternative form of family-based care if this is not possible. We are very pleased that VVD is promoting this initiative in the Dutch parliament.’

The VVD white paper proposes seven points for action to tackle orphanage tourism:

1. Ensure that volunteer sending organisations and tour operators who offer programmes that involve children are subject to regulations (for example, in child protection) to prevent abuse

2. Ensure that combating orphanage tourism is an integral part of government policy in the coming years

3. Prevent Dutch taxpayers’ funds from maintaining the orphanage industry

4. Launch a public awareness campaign to warn (prospective) volunteers about the risks of orphanage volunteering

5. Ensure that orphanage tourism is treated at the international level as a contribution to human trafficking

6. Warn travellers more actively about the risks of orphanage tourism

7. Promote responsible self-regulation among volunteer agencies and tour operators


An English translation of the white paper ‘initiatiefnota’ proposed by VVD MP van Haga can be found here.