Assessment and Placement Monitoring

An assessment is the dynamic process of gathering and analysing information in order to undertake informed interventions. This can include an individual assessment of a child and family, or a situational analysis if there are large numbers of vulnerable children, e.g. in an emergency. 


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Mapping of existing facilities caring for children in residential capacity for use in developing child protection standards

Office of Social Welfare of Guatemala, Holt International and UNICEF,

Assesses the causes and realities of children living in institutions in Guatemala with recommendations for systemic reform.

United Nations High Commission on Refugees,

Provides a formal mechanism to determine the best interests of the child as a mechanism within a child protection system

Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare Government of the Republic of Namibia,

This report prepared for the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare (MGECW) with financial support from UNICEF Namibia assesses the country’s capacity to manage alternative care systems for children.

Kay Johnson,

This document sets forth key standards through which child and youth protection, particularly in regards to foster care, will be approached in Western Australia.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service for UNHCR,

Guidance and preconditions on use of Best Interests Determination for unaccompanied and separated children

Bilson, A. & Cox, P. ,

Examines practice of using institutional care for children in poverty and recommends alternative responses to maintain families.

Florence Martin and Tata Sudrajat, Save the Children, Indonesia Ministry of Social Affairs, UNICEF,

Comprehensive evaluation of national responses and level of care standards for children without parental care in Indonesia.

Shkumbin Arifi, Vlora Kryeziu and Kaitlin Nelson - Catholic Relief Services,

This Guide provides a number of practical strategies, tips and activities for working with stakeholders to prevent student dropout. Based on the work of CRS/Kosovo, this information is useful for other organizations and government bodies working on student dropout prevention and response within the region.

Cristina Roccella,

Analyzes emerging protection problems and priorities of children living in Azerbaijan. Drafts a map of the institutional system related to child welfare at a national level.