Child Development

Knowledge of child development is the foundation for work with children, and therefore is a requirement for all those seeking to protect children. It influences every aspect of a child from physical growth and mental abilities, to how they express emotions, think and behave. 

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Catholic Relief Services,

This video from Catholic Relief Services provides an overview of the Thrive II project, a program designed to enhance parent-child bonds and strengthen early child development.

Samantha Artiga and Petry Ubri - The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation,

The authors of this study conducted focus groups with 100 parents from 15 countries and 13 interviews with pediatricians to gain insight into how the current political environment in the United States is affecting the daily lives, well-being, and health of immigrant families, including their children. 

Alexandra E Wretham, Matt Woolgar, Alexandra E Wretham - Adoption & Fostering,

In this study, 30 primary school aged UK adoptees without a history of institutionalisation completed an assessment of their intellectual, executive functioning and social communication abilities.

Johanna Bick, Rhiannon Luyster, Nathan A. Fox, Charles H. Zeanah, Charles A. Nelson - Development and Psychopathology,

This study examined facial emotion recognition in 12-year-olds in a longitudinally followed sample of children with and without exposure to early life psychosocial deprivation (institutional care).

Marc H. Bornstein, Diane L. Putnick, Paul Oburu, Jennifer E. Lansford, Kirby Deater-Deckard, Robert H. Bradley, Riku Moriguchi, Pia Rebello Britto - Handbook of Applied Developmental Science in Sub-Saharan Africa,

This chapter describes the contemporary situation of children in sub-Saharan Africa with successive foci on child growth, the home environment, parenting, and discipline using data from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS).

National Child Traumatic Stress Network,

This webinar, from the U.S. National Child Traumatic Stress Network, as part of its Childhood Traumatic Grief e-learning series, describes the impact of traumatic separation, attachment, and attachment disruption on children and adolescents.

Linda Miller, Claire Cameron, Carmen Dalli, Nancy Barbour - SAGE Publishing,

This Handbook explores early childhood interventions and policy through 36 chapters in various country contexts, including chapters on early childhood services for children in care. 

Jarrad A.G. Lum, Martine Powell, Pamela C. Snow - ,

This study examined the extent to which maltreatment history and the characteristics of out-of-home care correlated with the language and social skills of maltreated children. 

The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

This report from the the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University in the United States argues that, to be maximally effective, policies and services should: (1) Support responsive relationships for children and adults, (2) Strengthen core life skills, and (3) Reduce sources of stress in the lives of children and families.

Frances Gardner - UNICEF,

This brief summarizes recent findings from two global, systematic reviews on the effectiveness of parenting interventions.