Child Development

Knowledge of child development is the foundation for work with children, and therefore is a requirement for all those seeking to protect children. It influences every aspect of a child from physical growth and mental abilities, to how they express emotions, think and behave. 

Displaying 241 - 250 of 485

The Lancet,

This editorial by The Lancet draws connections between early childhood development, education and childhood violence, illustrating the need for early and cross-sectoral investments in children. 

Ramona Denby, Efren Gomez, and Richard V. Reeves - Brookings Institution,

This report explores the challenges of implementing and evaluating relationship-based interventions for young people with experience in the U.S. foster care system and presents recommendations for both practitioners and researchers for successful implementation and evaluation in the future. 

Raquel Barroso, Maria Barbosa-Ducharne, and Vanessa Coelho - Child & Family Social Work,

This study investigated Portuguese adolescent adoptees' perceptions of their attachment relationships with their adopted parents compared to adolescents living with biological parents and adolescents living in residential care. 

Sonya Troller-Renfree, Charles H. Zeanah, Charles A. Nelson, Nathan A. Fox - Child Development Perspectives,

This article utilizes data from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project to examine the neural indices of cognitive control and visual attention biases in children who have been institutionalized in order to understand how they influence the emergence of psychopathology in children with experience in institutional care. 

Becci A. Akin, Jessica Strolin-Gotzmna, and Crystal Collines-Camargo - Children and Youth Services Review,

This paper describes and analyzes the implementation of trauma and evidence-informed interventions in three federally-funded statewide demonstration sites in different regional contexts throughout the United States. 

Health Information and Standards Directorate ,

Ireland's Health Information and Standards Directorate has launched a public consultation on the Draft National Standards on Children's Residential Care. Once finalized, the Standards will provide a framework for the ongoing development of child-centred and effective services for children living in residential care centres. This document contains the preceding Draft Standards, eligible for feedback through 02 November 2017. 

Hilary A. Warner et al - Infant Mental Health Journal ,

This report presents the findings from  a secondary analysis of data from a comprehensive intervention in three baby homes in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. The analysis examined whether caregiver-child interaction quality, number of caregiver transitions, and group size mediated the impact of intervention on children's attachment behaviors and physical growth. 

Asimina Ralli, Schiza Melpomeni, and Tsiatsiou Alexandra - The Open Family Studies Journal ,

This study investigated the language and psychosocial skills of pre-school aged Greek institutionalized children in comparison to Greek children of the same age raised in a family environment. 

Femmie Juffer, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn and Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care ,

This study observed the physical growth and cognitive development in institutionalized toddlers in India, finding profound developmental delays in the sample group. 

Adrian V. Rus et al. - Child Maltreatment in Residential Care,

This chapter serves as an introduction to the book Child Maltreatment in Residential Care and provides a brief overview of the research on child maltreatment within the context of institutional care.