Northern America

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List of Organisations

Caitlin Dickerson - The Atlantic,

As a therapist for children who are being processed through the American immigration system, Cynthia Quintana has a routine that she repeats each time she meets a new patient in her office in Grand Rapids, Michigan: She calls the parents or closest relatives to let them know the child is safe and well cared for, and provides 24-hour contact information.

Shreya Mukhopadhyaya, Kelli L. Dickerson, Thomas D. Lyond, Jodi A. Quasa,

Debates exist regarding whether foster youth should be asked about their placement preferences following removal, with only youth aged 12 years and older at times assumed legally competent to provide input. The present study evaluated whether placement-related factors known to predict youth's well-being also shape their placement preferences and whether preferences differ between youth below and above the age at which they are considered legally competent to provide input.

Joseph Shapiro - NPR,

New guidance from the federal government will make it easier for states to stop a controversial practice that, according to a 2021 NPR investigation, keeps impoverished families in debt when their child is placed into foster care.

Emily Rian Saeteurna, Qi Wua, Natalia Vasiliou, Deborah Mabingani, Judy Krysika,

This U.S. based study systematically summarizes the effectiveness of peer parent programs in child welfare on case outcomes, specifically permanency, time-in-care, and re-entry post reunification.

Susan Burke, Jane Bouey, Carol Madsen, Louise Costello, Glen Schmidt, Patricia Barkaskas, Nicole White, Caitlin Alder, Rabiah Murium,

This study explores the state of kinship care in British Columbia (BC), Canada 10 years after the implementation of major policy reform designed by the provincial government to improve services to kinship caregivers.

Nikki DiGregorio,

This pilot study investigated a sample of caseworkers’ perceptions as related to social services for improving family unity post-reunification, as well as barriers that exist for families accessing social services in rural southeast Georgia in the US.

EsmeFuller-Thomson, Mahsima Nosrati-Inanlou, Alex Sellors, Andie MacNeila,

This study investigated the prevalence of and factors associated with complete mental health (CMH) among a nationally representative sample of Canadians who had contact with child welfare services before age 16.

Laura Osman - The Canadian Press,

The United Nations committee on the rights of the child has released a report expressing serious concerns about the welfare of children in Canada – particularly those who are Indigenous.

G David Batty, Mika Kivimäki, Philipp Frank,

Removal from family of origin to state care can be a highly challenging childhood experience and is itself linked to an array of unfavourable outcomes in adult life. This systematic review which included Canada, the US, western Europe, and Australia, aimed to synthetise evidence on the risk of adult mortality in people with a history of state care in early life, and assess the association according to different contexts. 

Ashley Quinn, Barbara Fallon, Nicolette Joh-Carnella, Marie Saint-Girons,

This paper found that there was marked overrepresentation of First Nations children in the child welfare system in Ontario, Canada. These children were three times as likely to be investigated as white children and more likely to be placed when controlling for investigation concerns. The paper concluded that recent policy changes have not brought change to this overrepresentation.