Child Exploitation

Child trafficking is a form of child abuse. It is the exploitation of children for economic or sexual purposes, and includes the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, or receipt of a child for exploitation. Children may be sold, illegally adopted, forced into early marriage, recruited into the armed forces, pushed into prostitution, or trafficked to work in mines, factories, or homes. In such environments they are exposed to extreme forms of abuse and are denied access to basic services and the meeting of their fundamental human rights. Trafficked children often lack basic legal status and support networks, making their condition virtually "invisible." 

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Global Protection Cluster,

Key Messages for Caregivers in a Sudden Onset developed by the Global Child Protection Cluster in response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines

Global Protection Cluster,

Key Messages for Caregivers in a Sudden Onset developed by the Global Child Protection Cluster in response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines (Cebuano)

Global Protection Cluster,

Key Messages for Caregivers in a Sudden Onset developed by the Global Child Protection Cluster in response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines

Global Protection Cluster,

Key Messages for Caregivers in a Sudden Onset developed by the Global Child Protection Cluster in response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines (Ilongo)

NY Working Group on Children without Parental Care,

On Tuesday, October 22rd, the NGO Committee on UNICEF’s Working Group on Children without Parental Care in collaboration with the Office of the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Violence against Children and the Permanent UN Missions of Austria and Brazil hosted an event at the UN, which drew representatives from Member States, the UN and civil society, to review progress on the implementation of the guidelines and share experiences from various regional perspectives.


This report from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees details the experiences of Syrian refugee children and youth.

Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children,

The Global Survey on Violence against Children, conducted under the auspices of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children, examines the measures in place around the world to ensure follow-up to the recommendations set out in the 2006 UN Study on Violence against Children.

Joanna Wedge, Abby Krumholz and Lindsay Jones,

This inter-agency, desk-based research aims to arrive at a clearer understanding of reintegration practices for separated children in low and lower-middle income countries. The research pulls together learning from practitioners and academics working with a range of separated children, such as those torn from their families by emergencies, children who have been trafficked or migrated for work, and children living in institutions or on the streets.

Second High Level Meeting on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in Asia and the Pacific,

A New Delhi Declaration renewing governments' commitments to the rights of children and pledging to support each other in the achievement of those rights, was adopted unanimously on 25th October 2013 by 32 Asian and Pacific States attending the Second High Level Meeting on South-South Cooperation for Child Rights in Asia and the Pacific.

Tania DoCarmo, Charlie Smith-Brake, and Julia Smith-Brake, Prism Magazine,

In this article for Prism Magazine, a publication of Evangelicals for Social Action, the authors ask challenging questions about the role of 'orphanage tourism', where Westerners visit or volunteer to work at a residential care center (orphanage) in the developing world, whether the trip is arranged by a tour or travel company, a nonprofit, or by a church.