Child Development

Knowledge of child development is the foundation for work with children, and therefore is a requirement for all those seeking to protect children. It influences every aspect of a child from physical growth and mental abilities, to how they express emotions, think and behave. 

Displaying 131 - 140 of 484

Jack P. Shonkoff - Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University,

At a US House of Representatives Hearing on Migrant Family Separation Policy, Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D. (Director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University) gave testimony on the impacts of family separation on children, highlighting the "strong scientific consensus supported by decades of peer-reviewed research" that "sudden, forcible separation of children from their parents is deeply traumatic for both the child and the parent," triggering "a massive biological stress response."

Maria Alexandra Arriaga - GHR Foundation, Strategy for Humanity,

The purpose of this assessment is to reflect on the successes and challenges of the Global Alliance for Children (GAC) experience, a large-scale initiative to support and improve outcomes for children throughout their life cycle, especially children most at risk of harm.

Nicole B. Perry, Carrie E. DePasquale, Philip H. Fisher, Megan R. Gunnar - Child Maltreatment,

The current study compared behavioral and adrenocortical functioning of maltreated and comparably aged (1.5–3 years) institutionally-reared children soon after (1.5–2.5 months) placement in foster care or adoptive homes, respectively.

Xingxing Chen, Chenchen Zeng, Chun Gong, Lei Zhang, Yuhui Wan, Fangbiao Tao, Ying Sun - Psychoneuroendocrinology,

The objective of this study was to test the associations between parent-child separation with telomere length (TL) and psychopathology during adolescence.

Jennifer E. Lansford, Anis Ben Brik, Heba Al Fara - Child Indicators Research,

This article provides a review of indicators of child well-being in the six Gulf countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates), focusing on well-being in six domains: physical health, behavioral adjustment, psychological well-being, social relationships, safety, and cognitive well-being. The article highlights children's participation in decisions affecting their lives, relationships with parents and caregivers, and protection from abuse and neglect, among other indicators.

Charles A. Nelson III, Charles H. Zeanah, and Nathan A. Fox - Neural Plasticity,

The question addressed in this paper from the Neural Plasticity journal is what happens to brain and behavior when a young child is deprived of key experiences during critical periods of brain development.

Peiying Zuo , Yinan Wang , Jia Liu, Siyuan Hu, Guoxiang Zhao, Lijie Huang, Danhua Lin - PLoS One,

This study used magnetic resonance imaging to compare adolescent AIDS orphans reared in institutions with a sex- and age-matched group of healthy adolescents reared in families in China using a voxel-based morphometry analysis.

Mark Wade, Nathan A. Fox, Charles H. Zeanah, and Charles A. Nelson III - PNAS,

The current study examined longitudinal trajectories of memory and executive functioning (EF) from childhood to adolescence in the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, a randomized controlled trial of foster care for institutionally reared children in Romania.

Beth Bradford - CRS, Coordinating Comprehensive Care for Children (4Children),

Written for USAID and PEPFAR implementing partners, with a focus on OVC practitioners, this is a user-friendly compendium of current resources, information and job aids for early childhood care, stimulation and education.

Lucy S. King, Kathryn L. Humphreys, Ian H. Gotlib - Developmental Review,

In this paper, the authors advance a framework for examining the nature and consequences of neglect, which they posit can be represented as variations along a continuum from severe psychosocial neglect to environmental enrichment.