Preventing Separation

Children are highly vulnerable to separation from their parents in conflict, displacement or disasters. Families may flee for their safety and lose loved ones in the chaos, parents may leave their children or send them away for their own safety or in the belief they will be better cared for by others. Children may lose their parents to disease, injury or death, while others may be abducted by armed forces, or trafficked.

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Save the Children UK ,

Using lessons learnt in emergencies, from the genocide in Rwanda to the Asian Tsunami and the earthquake in Haiti, our new report, Misguided Kindness, demonstrates what action is needed to keep families together during crises and to bring separated children back into a safe and nurturing family life.

The Mockingbird Society,

From preventative strategies to transitional and permanency solutions, the Mockingbird Family Model (MFM) offers a comprehensive support structure for families and children across the continuum of the child welfare experience. This resource briefly describes the MFM and its current activities. 


This Critical issue module provides guidance and practical exercises aimed at increasing the ability of staff to respond appropriately and effectively to child separation in an emergency.

WHO and Liverpool John Moores University,

This briefing looks at the effectiveness of interventions that encourage safe, stable and nurturing relationships for preventing child maltreatment and aggressive behaviour in childhood. The focus is on primary prevention programmes, those that are implemented early enough to avoid the development of violent behaviour such as child maltreatment and childhood aggression.

WHO and Liverpool John Moores University,

This report brings together an eight-part series of briefings on the evidence for interventions to prevent interpersonal and self-directed violence. By spotlighting evidence for the effectiveness of interventions, the series provides clear directions for how violence prevention funders, policy makers and programme implementers can boost the impact of their violence prevention efforts.

IRC, Save the Children and UNICEF,

Sample documents to the Information Management System


Evaluation of the need for increased understanding and inclusive responses to highly marginalized and separated children.

Terre des Hommes Foundation and UNICEF,

Evaluates the need for reform within Nepal's intercountry adoption programming and the broader needs within the child protection and alternative care arenas nationally.

Lacey Andrews Gale,

Examines the challenges posed in monitoring and ensuring child protection in informal and formal fostering in post-conflict areas.

Save the Children US,

This issue brief discusses the importance of childcare for disaster recovery and provides policy recommendations on how to protect and restore community childcare infrastructure in disasters.