
List of Organisations


Children's Living Arrangements

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Living with Both Parents
DHS 2016-2017
Living with One Parent
DHS 2016-2017
Living with Neither Parent
DHS 2016-2017


Children Living Without Biological Parents

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Both Parents Alive
DHS 2016-2017
One Parent Dead
DHS 2016-2017
Both Parents Dead
DHS 2016-2017

Parental Survivorship

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Children with Both Parents Alive
DHS 2016 - 2017
Children with One Parent Alive
DHS 2016 - 2017
Children with Both Parents Dead
DHS 2016 - 2017

Displaying 21 - 30 of 95

List of Organisations

Dominican Today,

Following the recent caravan of Haitian migrants that arrived at the southern border of the United States, thousands of them have been sent back to the Caribbean nation, including hundreds of minors who were born in other Latin American countries and are citizens of those nations.


Nearly 170 Haitian children arrived in Port-au-Prince with their parents October 9, 2021, after being expelled from Cuba mainly and the U.S., according to UNICEF. Most of the children are from southwestern Haiti and left two to three weeks after the August earthquake in an attempt to reach the U.S.  

Joint statement by IOM, UNHCR, UNICEF, OHCHR,

Several UN agencies issued a joint statement calling for greater protection and a comprehensive regional approach for Haitians on the move, including accompanied and unaccompanied and separated children.

Kelly Milner,

Not About Me is a feature documentary about good intentions and unintended consequences. When Morgan Wienberg, a well-meaning Canadian teenager, volunteers at a Haitian orphanage in the aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, her plans take a turn. She is part of an army of NGOs and volunteers with billions in promised aid, all rushing to respond to the disaster. But once on the ground, she begins to see their earnest actions have their own devastating impacts.

Diane M. Hoffman - Children & Society,

This article offers a critical cultural reading of narratives on family reunification in Haiti in social media and advocacy discourse, revealing how this approach privileges Northern assumptions about proper parenting and family life.

Michael Weissenstein and Ben Fox - The Associated Press,

Haitian prosecutors have begun a criminal investigation into children's homes run by the Church of Bible Understanding in the United States, which held 154 children at the time of a February 13th fire that killed 13 children, according to this article from the Associated Press.

Paulina Firozi - The Washington Post,

A fire tore through a children’s group home in Haiti Thursday night, killing at least 15 children at a facility run by a U.S.-based Christian organization, according to UNICEF.

Amelie Baron - International Business Times,

According to this article from the International Business Times, the government of Haiti "is pushing to deinstitutionalize children so as to avoid the darkest sides of orphanage life -- trafficking of kids or even worse abuse."

HBO Films,

The Finding the Way Home documentary highlights the painful realities of the eight million children living in orphanages and other institutions around the world, telling the stories of six children in Brazil, Bulgaria, Haiti, Nepal, India and Moldova who have found their way into the care of loving families after spending periods of their lives in an institution.

Kristi Gleason, Amanda Cox, Delia Pop - Bethany Global and Hope and Homes for Children,

This publication is presented in three parts. Part 1 discusses how seeing Haitian children as part of a complex and beautiful social system can inform best practices in child care reform. Part 2 highlights eight organizations working towards family-based care and the preservation of families and communities. Part 3 provides inspiration for collective action and transformation.