Northern America

Displaying 2341 - 2350 of 2429

List of Organisations

Chantal Quesney - Universite du Quebec a Montreal,

La Société d’adoption et de protection de l’enfance à Montréal fut, de 1937 à 1972,la plus importante agence de placement «hors murs» de la province. Pionnière dans le domaine au Québec, elle aura œuvré à l’implantation des conditions légales et minimales nécessaires à la désinstitutionnalisation adéquate des enfants sans famille. De fait, le passage du placement asilaire comme mode de protection privilégié à celui en foyer d’accueil ou d’adoption, soulève des enjeux juridiques nouveaux tout comme il appelle la mise en place de pratiques et de savoirs inédits. 

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

Resource guide developed to support service providers in their work with parents, caregivers, and children to prevent child abuse and neglect

Annie E. Casey Foundation ,

Practical information for agencies and advocates working with this Haitian children and families following the January 2010 earthquake, with special guidance on filing federal Temporary Protective Status applications.

Child Welfare Information Gateway,

Family engagement is the foundation of good casework practice that promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families in the US child welfare system. This brief offers information to help State child welfare managers improve family engagement across program areas.

Save the Children ,

A leaflet for parents on how to help your child cope during an evacuation or relocation in an emergency.

Human Rights Watch,

This 70-page report documents the struggles of foster care youth who become homeless after turning 18, or "aging out" of the state's care, without sufficient preparation or support for adulthood

Children's Hospital - San Diego, Chadwick Center and the National Call to Action ,

An overview of considered best practices in therapy for child survivors of physical and sexual abuse.

Child Trends ,

A new Child Trends fact sheet examines the role that programs for older youth can play in promoting positive development and subsequent self-sufficiency in adulthood.

Annie E. Casey Foundation,

This new report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation outlines initiatives in four sites to help child welfare systems reduce institutional placements, improve outcomes, and support community services by changing the array of services, frontline practice, finances, performance management, and policy

US Department of State,

Statement noting potential dangers associated with ICA in emergencies with specific reference to risk of family separation.