
List of Organisations

Displaying 21 - 30 of 38

List of Organisations

Keetie Roelen; Stephen Devereux; Abdul-Gafaru Abdulai; Bruno Martorano; Tia Palermo; Luigi Peter Ragno - UNICEF Office of Research,

This paper aims to identify key factors for successful implementation of increasingly popular ‘cash plus’ programmes, based on (i) a review of the emerging evidence base of ‘cash plus’ interventions and (ii) an examination of three case studies, namely, Chile Solidario in Chile, IN-SCT in Ethiopia and LEAP in Ghana.

Manuela Garcia Quiroga, Catherine Hamilton-Giachritsis, Margarita Ibañez Fanés - Child Abuse & Neglect,

The aim of this study was to compare outcomes for children living in three different types of care in Chile: biological parental care, residential care, and foster care. 

Samantha Chaitkin, Nigel Cantwell, Dr Chrissie Gale, Dr Ian Milligan, Catherine Flagothier, Claire O’Kane, Dr Graham Connelly - European Union, SOS Children's Villages, CELCIS,

The general objective of this study was to conduct a research on the possible issue of institutionalisation in six South and Central American, Asian and African countries in order to strengthen the knowledge of the European Commission on the nature, the extent and scope of institutionalisation and feasibility of de-institutionalisation (alternative care for children).

The Baltimore Sun,

Chilean government reports that 865 children have died under the care of the National Service over the past 11 years.

Dr Chrissie Gale - CELCIS,

The European Commission Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers commissioned SOS Children’s Villages International to undertake case studies of arrangements for ‘alternative child care’ in six non-European countries in three continents to help inform the EU’s future strategy for provision of support for children in countries outside Europe. This report is a case study of one of the six countries, Chile.

Better Care Network,

This country care review includes the care related Concluding Observations adopted by the Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Carolina Muñoz-Guzmán, Candice Fischer, Enrique Chia and Catherine LaBrenz - Social Sciences ,

This paper offers strategic guidelines to improve alternative care for children younger than six years of age, who are under protective measures.


Esta Guía reúne una serie de programas, prácticas y políticas públicas que resultaron en la garantía del derecho a la convivencia familiar y comunitaria de niñas y niños en su primera infancia. En particular, se caracterizan por ser innovadoras o por haber obtenido buenos resultados en la protección y la restitución de este derecho. Las experiencias recopiladas abarcan programas, proyectos e iniciativas públicas, privadas o mixtas de fortalecimiento familiar, provisión de cuidados alternativos, y de reintegración familiar. 

Mary Daly, Rachel Bray, Zlata Bruckauf, Jasmina Byrne, Alice Margaria, Ninoslava Pecnik, Maureen Samms-Vaughan ,

This report examines and analyses policies and provision for family support and parenting support based on general literature searches and evidence gathered from 33 UNICEF national offices and detailed case studies of nine countries.

Felipe Lecannelier, Jaime R. Silva, Marianela Hoffmann, Rolando Melo and Raquel Morales,

Infant Mental Health Journal has published an important Special Issue on Global Research, Practice, and Policy Issues in the Care of Infants and Young Children at Risk. This article reports on a quasi-experimental study commissioned by the Chilean government that had two general aims: (a) to assess infants’ psychoaffective developmental levels and (b) to evaluate whether an intervention based on the promotion of socioemotional development modifies the infant's psychoaffective development.