
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Chiachih DC Wang, Bert Hayslip, Jr, Qiwu Sun, Wenzhen Zhu - The International Journal of Aging and Human Development,

This study compared American and Chinese caregiving grandparents regarding variables reflecting challenges and resources in dealing with the demands of raising a grandchild.

Hu Yan, Jindong Chen and Jing Huang - Frontiers in Psychiatry,

This study aimed to explore school bullying in LBC and examine the effectiveness of art therapy intervention for reducing bullying victimization affecting LBC in rural areas of China.

Xingxing Chen, Chenchen Zeng, Chun Gong, Lei Zhang, Yuhui Wan, Fangbiao Tao, Ying Sun - Psychoneuroendocrinology,

The objective of this study was to test the associations between parent-child separation with telomere length (TL) and psychopathology during adolescence.

Peiying Zuo , Yinan Wang , Jia Liu, Siyuan Hu, Guoxiang Zhao, Lijie Huang, Danhua Lin - PLoS One,

This study used magnetic resonance imaging to compare adolescent AIDS orphans reared in institutions with a sex- and age-matched group of healthy adolescents reared in families in China using a voxel-based morphometry analysis.

Robyn Dixon - Los Angeles Times,

"About 69 million rural children [in China] are left behind while one or both parents work far away, according to UNICEF," says this article from the Los Angeles Times. The article discusses the ways in which these "left-behind children" in rural areas of China lack access to education and lag behind their urban peers in educational attainment.

Yan Ge, Li Song, Rockwell F. Clancy, Yulin Qin - New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development,

Outlining developments with reference to relevant studies, this review characterizes the perspectives used to explore and understand the phenomenon of children being left behind in rural China by parents going to work in cities.

Yufeng Ouyang, Jiaojiao Zou, Meimei Ji, Yefu Zhang, Tong Yuan, Lina Yang, and Qian Lin - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

This study evaluated the health service needs of left-behind children ages 3-5 years old in Hunan Province, China.

Wei Wu, Guangbo Qu, Lingling Wang, Xue Tang, Ye‐Huan Sun - Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health,

The aims of this study were to systematically evaluate and comparatively analyse the mental health status of left‐behind children (LBC) in China and to provide a scientific basis for mental intervention and healthy education for LBC.

Sheng, Yingyan - Kent State University,

This dissertation examines the communication between left-behind children in China and their migrant parents from the three-level perspective of relational maintenance (Dainton, 2003): the self, the system, and the network contexts.

Erin Raffety - Disability Studies Quarterly,

This open access article explores three related phenomena: first, the abandonment and institutionalization of children with disabilities in China that increased disproportionately in the 2000s; second, the important relationships between such abandonments, culture, economics, and politics in contemporary China; and third, the relationship between such abandonments, the increasing rates at which Chinese orphans with disabilities are being adopted to Western countries through Inter-country Adoption (ICA), and the global politics of ICA and disability.