Eastern Asia

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Jenna Cook - Foreign Policy,

A woman who was adopted from China to the United States in the early 1990s has authored this moving piece for Foreign Policy, detailing her search for her birth family, and the many birth families she met along the way who miss and long for information on their “lost,” or “abandoned” daughters.

Emily Feng - New York Times,

The Chinese government will be conducting its first comprehensive survey on left-behind rural children, says this article from the New York Times.

BBC News,

An estimated 61 million children are "left behind" by their migrant parents in China. The Chinese government has recently issued new guidelines to protect children in rural areas whose parents have moved to cities to work.

Editor: Olga Cvejić Jančić,

Meant to highlight the maxim that every child deserves the best that we all have to give; this book provides a review of the progress made since The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.  It contains reports from 21 countries on the status of the rights of the child.  The countries are:  Australia, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Japan, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Solomon Islands, Spain, the Netherlands, the UK, the USA, Uzbekistan and Venezuela. There are no reports from Africa.

Sara Docan-Morgan, Adoption Quarterly 2016, Volume 19, No. 2, 99-118,

This article examines the cultural differences Korean adoptees perceived when interacting with their birth families along with the impact of these perceived differences. The article points out that there has been little research on transnational adoptees, as most research focuses on domestic adoptees.  The researchers interviewed 19 adoptees and examined their perceived differences.  They found that differences had a wide variety of impacts on the participants’ sense of belonging. 

Mooly M. Wong - The Open Family Studies Journal,

This study revealed, through their narrations, the changes in the lived experiences of children who resided in residential childcare services regarding the going home process in a Chinese context. 

Care for Children,

This short video entitled "The Village" documents the work that Care for Children has done in Luquan, Kunming in China to help transition children away from orphanages and into families. Fifty three families from the village in Luquan have taken in 166 orphans--almost all of whom have physical or mental disabilities--from the Kunming orphanage. These children are now living with families and receiving the love and contact they had not previously received in the orphanage. 

BBC News,

This article describes China's plan to offer residency status to some of the millions of migrant workers who have moved from rural areas to cities in recent decades.

The Japan Times,

The government of Japan is considering extending foster care services to young people up to the age of 20, according to this article from the Japan Times.

Wenjie Sun, Yumei Zheng, Yiqiong Xie - Women and Birth,

In this letter to the editor, the authors express their support for the continued use of “baby hatches” in China.