
This page contains documents and other resources related to children's care in Asia. Browse resources by region, country, or category.

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List of Organisations

Udayan Care, ICB Journal,

Join this free webinar hosted by Udayan Care March 25, 2022, at 5.30 - 7.00 pm IST/ 7 - 8:30 am EST. Read the latest issue of the International Journal on Alternative Care with a special focus on "Alternative Care for Children and Young Persons with Different Abilities".

Free Malaysia Today,

The Malaysian government does not have any plans to ban underage marriages, but women, family and community development minister Rina Harun says it remains committed to preventing such unions. She said there was a need to manage the issue through education, advocacy, strengthening the family institution and socioeconomic support in the community.

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform,

This webinar was hosted by the Transitioning Residential Care Working Group of the Transforming Children’s Care Global Collaborative Platform and showcased learning around the transition of residential care services.

Better Care Network, Kinnected, ACC International Relief,

The study was aimed at gaining insights into the operations of privately run, Christian faith-based residential care facilities (RCFs) in Myanmar. The outcomes of this analysis provide important insights to inform ongoing awareness raising, advocacy efforts, approaches to providing technical support and deinstitutionalization, and care reform strategies in Myanmar.

Family For Every Child,


GBP £50-55,000 equivalent - fixed in local currency. Salary will be determined based on experience and adjusted to the local market rate.

Justin Rogers, Victor Karunan, Pryn Ketnim, Aphisara Saeli,

The overall aims of this research project were to explore the experiences of the children, parents and families involved in alternative care in Thailand. This research project reached a significant number of children (n.160) living in alternative care and their parents and families (n.20).

4th Biennial International Conference on Alternative Care for Children in Asia,

BICON 2021 was an opportunity for government and intergovernmental representatives, civil society organisations, practitioners, academics and most importantly care experienced young people to come together and discuss the most pressing issues regarding children’s care in Asia. With a focus on implementation, practitioners shared examples of innovation, highlighted promising practices, and showcased local solutions to challenges faced by countries across Asia. The Report is filled with challenges, recommendations, session summaries, speaker bios and more.

Abner Weng, Cheong Poona, Maria Cassanitib, Prasheela Karanc, Rosaleen Owd,

There are limited studies which investigate the perceived needs and wellbeing of parents caring for their children with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse communities. This qualitative study uniquely explored the experiences and cultural factors of Vietnamese parents caring for children with a disability in multicultural Australia.

Rebecca Nhep, Better Care Network; Dr Kate van Doore, Law Futures Centre & Griffith Law School,

यस अध्ययनले सातवटा केन्द्रित देशहरूमा २१ अर्ध-संरचित अन्तर्वार्ताहरू समावेश गरी गुणस्तरीय अनुसन्धान अध्ययन सञ्चालन गरेर निजी रूपमा सञ्चालित र वित्त पोषित आवासीय हेरचाह संस्थाहरूको सानो संख्यामा COVID-19 को प्रभावको अन्वेषण गर्दछ।

Andrew Clarance - BBC News,

In December 2019, Ceenu Jebaraj's three-year-old daughter was excited at the thought of going to school in a few months. But by the time her classes were scheduled to begin, India had entered into a national lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19.