Eastern Europe

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List of Organisations

Interagency Statement,

Принудительное перемещение, депортация и усыновление детей из Украины, призводящее к окончательному разлучению детей с их семьями, сообществами  и культурой, является явным нарушением их прав человека и международного гуманитарного права и предста

Interagency Statement,

Примусове переміщення, депортація та усиновлення дітей з України, що призвело до остаточн

Interagency Statement,

This interagency document is open to endorsement by organizations, networks and agencies and we hope that you will consider adding your name to it and use it in your work and advocacy on behalf of children’s rights in Ukraine.

United Nations General Assembly,

At its resumed eleventh emergency special session, the world body adopted a new resolution calling for an end to the war, only hours before the conflict enters its second year on Friday, 24 February 2023.

Interagency Statement,

In this joint statement, the co-signatories call on international, European Union and national authorities, to prevent and respond to child protection risks that threaten the well-being of children within and those fleeing Ukraine.

Michelle Nichols - Reuters,

The United Nations overwhelmingly isolated Russia on Thursday, marking one year since Moscow invaded Ukraine by calling for a "comprehensive, just and lasting peace" and again demanding Moscow withdraw its troops and stop fighting.

United Nations,

The UN General Assembly on Thursday called for ending the war in Ukraine and demanded Russia’s immediate withdrawal from the country, in line with the UN Charter.


SOS Children's Villages Russia issued a press release in response to an article in a recent German publication alleging that the organization was involved in the forcible removal of children from Ukraine.

Christoph Söller, Arndt Ginze - ZDFtoday,

Seit Kriegsbeginn verschleppt die russische Armee ukrainische Kinder - in Russland droht ihnen Umerziehung. Laut frontal-Recherchen sind SOS-Kinderdörfer möglicherweise verstrickt.

CNN - Mick Krever,

A report by Yale Humanitarian Research Lab’s Conflict Observatory identifies Maria Lvova-Belova is one of the most highly involved figures in Russia’s deportation and adoption of Ukraine’s children, as well as in the use of camps for ‘integrating’