Southern Europe

Displaying 101 - 110 of 523

List of Organisations

Divya Mishra ,Paul B. Spiegel, Vasileia Lucero Digidiki, Peter J. Winch - PLoS Med,

This study examines how the interpretation of vulnerability by the national shelter system for male UAMs in Greece shapes their trajectories into adulthood.

Isabel‐Sofia Costa, Maria Barbosa‐Ducharne, Jesús Palacios, Joana Soares - Child & Family Social Work,

The present study aims to identify the adoptee, parents and family related predictors of the adoptive parents' parenting stress, exploring direct and indirect effects. Fifty Portuguese adolescents' adoptive parents participated in this study.

Megan Smith, Lucía González‐Pasarín, María D. Salas, Isabel M. Bernedo - Child & Family Social Work,

This review aims to provide social workers with a resource to guide their decision‐making by evaluating both the benefits and risks associated with open adoption.

Plataforma de Infancia: España,

Esta página de Plataforma de Infancia presenta una selección de los artículos o recursos educativos que han identificado hasta ahora y que pueden facilitar la tarea de hablar con niñas y niños sobre el coronavirus y resolver sus dudas.

Save the Children Italy,

Save the Children Italy has launched an extraordinary intervention program for children and adolescents involved in their projects. The program aims to be a valid support for vulnerable minors and their families. 

Multi-Agency Coalition,

The undersigned organizations of this Call to Action jointly call on the governments of European Union (EU) Member States to immediately commit to the emergency relocation of unaccompanied children from the Greek islands to other European countries, giving precedence to existing family links and the best interests of the child.

A. Águila-Otero, A. Bravo, I. Santos, J. F. Del Valle - Children and Youth Services Review,

The goal of this study is to analyze the profile of 353 adolescents in TRC in Spain.

BBC News,

This short video from BBC News features interviews with some of the migrant children and young people who are being held in difficult conditions in the Greek port of Mytilene.

Eduard Vaquero, M. Àngels Balsells, Carmen Ponce, Aida Urrea, Alicia Navajas - Social Sciences,

The aims of this article were to identify the types and characteristics of social support for families in vulnerable situations and to analyze what elements influence families’ attitudes towards these supports.

Alessandra Fermani, Ramona Bongelli, Gonzalo Del Moral Arroyo, Alla Matuszak, Morena Muzi, Carlos A. Pereyra Cardini & Ilaria Riccioni - Revista Espacios,

This study presents the results of research carried out on adolescents and emerging adults adopted both in Italy and in Argentina. The main aim is to investigate the role and the associations of satisfaction with life, self-concept clarity, and parental attachment on educational identity.