Al Jazeera English,

This video from Al Jazeera English investigates the disappearance of 500 Albanian Roma children from a state-run residential institution in Athens, Greece over a decade ago. 

Poypiti Amatatham and Thomas Fuller - New York Times,

This video sheds light on the exploitation of children in orphanages in Cambodia.


Ese video explica el sistema de cuidado alternativo en Argentina, particularmente la utilización de “hogares convivenciales,” donde viven juntos muchos niños y niñas separados de sus familias y el trabajo de DONCEL a ayudar a esos niños y niñas.

Pete Pattisson - The Guardian,

This video describes the situation of orphanage “voluntourism” in Nepal and how it contributes to the exploitation of children and the growing orphan industry.

Pete Pattisson, The Guardian ,

This video shines a light on the exploitation of children in orphanages in Nepal and how it can be perpetuated by well-meaning foreign visitors.

NTV Kenya,

The video presents a news clip from NTV Kenya reporting on recent changes in Kenyan adoption policy.

Save the Children,

This video documents Save the Children's work in Armenia to reform the child protection system, including its use of the Guidelines for Alternative Care as a roadmap to focus on supporting a range of appropriate family environments for children without appropriate care. ,

This video from discusses issues around orphanage volunteering and tourism. The video is accompanied by a number of prompts for further discussion.

Valerie Gudenus, Journeyman Pictures,

This documentary published by Journeyman Pictures investigates the reality behind India's commercial baby surrogate industry.

Kansas State University Staley School of Leadership Studies,

Escape the Box is an initiative designed to help raise awareness and try to put a stop to the rapidly growing, money making businesses that many orphanages have become.​