Western Africa

Displaying 541 - 550 of 602

List of Organisations

Linda Richter and Sharmla Rama,

Examines how a rights-based approach can provide a firm foundation for framing priorities and responses to children and families affected by HIV/AIDS.

Leslie M. Snider, UNICEF,

This document discusses the work contributing to the area of psychosocial measurement with regard to HIV/AIDS and provides samples of surveys that can be used in measurement.

Sophie T. Parwon,

Documents assessment of child welfare and protection of children in orphanages in Liberia.

The New Humanitarian,

"Liberian children are being sold for adoption in dubious circumstances and others are living in sub-standard orphanages, according to rights groups in the West African nation," says this article from the New Humanitarian.

Ngagne Mbaye et Charles Becker ,

Ce guide de prise en charge des Orphelins et Enfants rendus Vulnérables dans le contexte du VIH/Sida (OEV) au Sénégal vise avant tout à fournir à l’acteur impliqué dans l’accompagnement une vision globale des défis à relever, ainsi que des princip

International HIV/AIDS Alliance,

Practical guidance on dealing with young children in the context of HIV/AIDS. Focuses on the developmental needs of children affected by HIV/AIDS. Also focuses on care and treatment provision for children who are HIV-positive.

Katie Chapman,

This paper focuses on the impact of one form of demand-side policy option - social transfers, particularly cash transfers and vouchers - on access to health and education services by the extreme poor.


Contains a set of forward-leaning recommendations for churches and the donor community. Also contains an analysis of the role of faith-based groups in the response, specific case studies, the potential to do more on the ground, and challenges faced by churches.

Christopher Bold, Mary Henderson, and Rachel Baggaley,

A guide for faith-based organizations working in developing countries on issues related to orphans and vulnerable children. Contains examples of successful community-based and family support care programs throughout the world that are run by faith-based groups. Discourages the use of institutional care and orphanages.

Kerry Olson, Zanele Sibanda Knight, and Geoff Foster,

A tool to encourage donors to fund community programs that keep children in family care, rather than simply funding orphanages. Describes the many strategies being used to invest in community-based care, and contains specific program examples.