Assessment and Placement Monitoring

An assessment is the dynamic process of gathering and analysing information in order to undertake informed interventions. This can include an individual assessment of a child and family, or a situational analysis if there are large numbers of vulnerable children, e.g. in an emergency. 


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Sonya Stevens, Richard Fiene, Daniel Blevins, Amber Salzer - Children and Youth Services Review,

A mixed method correlational exploratory pilot was conducted in Washington State to determine items within the home study assessment that could be used as indicators to identify baseline requirements of the assessment and suggest anticipated depth (expansion or reduction) within the required topic(s).

Sonya Stevens, Richard Fiene, Daniel Blevins, Amber Salzer - Children and Youth Services Review,

The goal of this study is to identify predicative indicators that will assist in the development of a home study that will increase consistency within home studies and decrease timeliness of completion.

Miracle Foundation,

This guidance from Miracle Foundation outlines case management process and tools aimed at children in Child Care Institutions (CCIs) in India who have been placed with their families during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of these case management processes and tools is to determine feasibility of permanent placement and expedite family-based care in families in which children were placed quickly and without proper preparation during COVID-19 lockdown.

Rebecca L. Butcher, M. Kay Jankowski, Eric D. Slade - Children and Youth Services Review,

A cost analysis was conducted as part of a 5-year, federally funded statewide demonstration project to install universal trauma screening in one U.S. state’s child welfare system.

Paul H. Harnett & Gerald Featherstone - Children and Youth Services Review,

The authors of this study draw on the decision-making ecology model of judgement and decision making in child protection to speculate on possible causes of false positive errors in decision making regarding the removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families.

Paul McCafferty - Child Care in Practice,

This article presents findings from an exploratory in-depth qualitative research project with the objective of exploring the knowledge that social workers use to make decisions regarding permanency arrangements for Looked after Children.

Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY) of Cambodia,

This Guideline aims to further provide technical guidance to child protection workers in Cambodia to better respond to the child protection risks during a COVID-19 pandemic through case management, including psychosocial support.

Jeri L. Damman, Michelle Johnson‐Motoyama, Susan J. Wells, Kelly Harrington - Child & Family Social Work,

As part of a larger project on decision‐making at intake, this systematic review addressed the question of the factors associated with worker decisions to investigate alleged maltreatment referrals.

Changing the Way We Care,

This document presents a summary of the process, results and lessons learned during a demonstration project in the department of Zacapa, Guatemala to implement best practices to prevent unnecessary family separation and strengthen families by identifying primary and specialized social services and bringing those services closer to the families. 

Changing the Way We Care,

Este documento presenta el proceso, los resultados y las lecciones aprendidas durante la implementación de una iniciativa en Guatemala que instale buenas prácticas para la prevención de la separación familiar innecesaria y el fortalecimiento de las familias a través de las búsqueda y acercamiento de servicios sociales primarios y especializados.