Assessment and Placement Monitoring

An assessment is the dynamic process of gathering and analysing information in order to undertake informed interventions. This can include an individual assessment of a child and family, or a situational analysis if there are large numbers of vulnerable children, e.g. in an emergency. 


Displaying 61 - 70 of 272

Sónia Rodrigues, Maria Barbosa-Ducharne, Jorge F. Del Valle, Joana Campos - Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal,

This study aims to analyze the comparative effectiveness of Youth Self-Report (YSR) and the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) as screening tools of psychological (mal)adjustment, looking for differences in the way psychological problems and difficulties are identified by these two measures in adolescents in residential care (RC).

Svein Arild Vis, Camilla Lauritzen, Sturla Fossum - International Social Work,

The primary aim of this study is to summarise research findings about the use of assessment frameworks, that is, structured models that guide information collection and decision making in child protection services, by reviewing the literature.

Cailin O’Connor and Stephanie Doyle - Center for the Study of Social Policy,

This resource is designed to help agencies, systems, and collaboratives working with young children and their families to chart a course toward an expanded approach to family engagement.

Anne-Fleur W. K. Vischer, Erik J. Knorth, Hans,Grietens, Wendy J. Post - Children and Youth Services Review,

In order to gain insight into the role that decision-making plays in family preservation practice, the authors of this article studied decision-making within a family preservation (FP)-intervention program provided by the Expertise Center.

Christian M. Connell, Christopher T. Bory, Cindy Y. Huang, Maegan Genovese, Colleen Caron, Jacob Kraemer Tebes - Children and Youth Services Review,

This study examined the relationship of caseworker ratings of risk across multiple domains to youth functioning and service use for a sample of children open to the child welfare system.

Hannah Wright, David Wellsted, Jacqui Gratton, Sarah Jane Besser, Nick Midgley - Developmental Child Welfare,

This study aimed to establish how well the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) identified children who required treatment.

Michael Tarren-Sweeney, Anouk Goemans, Anna Sophie Hahne, and Matthew Gieve - Developmental Child Welfare,

The present article proposes a first-stage mental health screening procedure (calibrated for high sensitivity) for children and adolescents (ages 4–17) in alternative care, which children’s agencies can implement without clinical oversight using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and Brief Assessment Checklists (BAC).


El presente folleto incluye información para preparar a los niños y niñas para que regresen a sus hogares o ingresen a servicios de atención basados en una familia sustituta.

Patricia Fronek, Robert Common, Karen Smith Rotabi, Johnny Statham - Journal of Human Rights and Social Work,

This short human rights in action article takes a critical approach to the translation of policy to practice and highlights risks involved with haste, outcomes measured in numbers and unrealistic timeframes, and rapidly transforming practice with nascent investment in a country’s capacity to assess and respond to the real needs of children and families within their communities.

Priscilla Gerrand, Garth Stevens - Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk,

This paper explores how Black South Africans perceive and experience the adoption assessment process regarding the adoption of abandoned children.