
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

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Radio France International

New research has revealed that nearly half of Kenyan mothers with disabled babies are pressured to kill them.

Nita Bhalla - Thomson Reuters Foundation

This article from Thomas Reuters Foundation News highlights findings from a recent study by Disability Rights International which explored the stigma around children with disabilities in Kenya, and the ways in which that stigma leads to child abandonment, institutionalization, and even infanticide.

Traverse Journeys

In this blog post, Traverse Journeys provides a helpful guide for "When Children Sell: Ethical Tips for Travelers."

Nicole Brown - Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

This blog post highlights groups and organizations that are working to strengthen the social service workforce in order to prevent family separation, including Better Care Network.

Noel Towell - The Sydney Morning Herald

The state of Victoria in Australia has adopted a new policy extending the age at which young people must leave care from 18 to 21, according to this article from the Sydney Morning Herald.

BBC News

In this video, the BBC's Ashley John-Baptiste, who grew up in care himself, meets two care leavers as they face the financial and emotional challenges of starting higher education.

Toluwani Eniola - The Epoch Times

This article from the Epoch Times tells the story of Aisha Usman, adoptive mother of three and advocate for ending the institutionalization of children in Nigeria. The article also describes the global movement to move away from institutional care of children.

Washington Post

In this opinion piece, the Washington Post Editorial Board sheds light on the separation of children from their families in the Xinjiang province of China.

David Lemke - BBC News

This article from BBC News tells the story of Nguyen Quoc Tuy, born in Vietnam around 1970 and adopted by a family in the US at about three years old, and his journey to reconnect with his birth family as an adult.

Travel Weekly

This article from Travel Weekly announces the passing of the Modern Slavery Bill in Australia, which recognizes orphanage trafficking as a form of modern slavery.