
Better Care Network highlights recent news pieces related to the issue of children's care around the world. These pieces include newspaper articles, interviews, audio or video clips, campaign launches, and more.

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Marisol Zarate - Chronicle of Social Change

This article from the Chronicle of Social Change describes the work of ChildKind, an organization based in the state of Georgia in the US which seeks to prevent medical neglect and children entering the foster care system by supporting families to stay together and care for children with special needs. 

Louise Tickle - The Guardian

Findings from a four-nation study on children in care indicate that Northern Ireland has far fewer children in foster or residential care than do England, Scotland and Wales, according to this article from the Guardian.

Senator Linda Reynolds, Assistant Minister for Home Affairs

This media release from the office of Australian Senator Linda Reynolds, Assistant Minister for Home Affairs, welcomes the passage of the Modern Slavery Bill of 2018, which includes orphanage trafficking.

Louise Tickle - The Guardian

This article from the Guardian describes the concerns of care experts in the UK regarding what some consider overuse of "'risk of emotional harm' as a reason for applying to a court for a care order before any harm has happened."

Tina Rosenberg - The Guardian

This article from the Guardian shines a light on the harms of orphanage voluntourism.

Gap Year Association

This blog post from the Gap Year Association encourages "gap year counselors and students to thoroughly vet the organizations they choose to partner with around the world."

BBC News

An agency in Sussex, UK called Project Abroad has stopped sending volunteers abroad on orphanage placements because of concern about "fake orphans," according to this short video from BBC News.

Sigal Samuel - The Atlantic

The government of China has sent approximately one million Uighur Muslims to internment camps, separating families and placing children in state-run orphanages, according to this article from the Atlantic.

African Impact

African Impact, a volunteer company, has issued a statement against the institutionalization of children in orphanages.

Simon Njoroge - Daily Nation

This Op-Ed from Kenya's Daily Nation by Simon Njoroge paints a staggering picture of violations of human rights by child institutions.