Regions & Countries

Displaying 5041 - 5050 of 14141

Marina A. Zhukova, Sergey A. Kornilov, Stella N. Tseitlin, Marina B. Eliseeva, Elena A. Vershinina, Rifkat J. Muhamedrahimov, Elena L. Grigorenko - British Journal of Developmental Psychology,

To investigate the early language development of children raised in institutional settings in the Russian Federation, the authors of this study compared a group of children in institutional care to their age‐matched peers raised in biological families, who have never been institutionalized using the Russian version of the CDI.

Frank Van Holen, Lenny Trogh, Elke Carlier, Laura Gypen, Johan Vanderfaeillie - Child & Family Social Work,

This article describes the results of a narrative literature review on empirical research examining the outcomes and/or experiences of unaccompanied refugee minors in family foster care.

Julie Shaw, Sarah Greenhow - The British Journal of Social Work,

The following article reports upon recent research that explored the perceptions of professionals of the issues that affect the sexual and criminal exploitation of children in care, along with a discussion of the effectiveness of current responses to these issues and the challenges that professionals face.


Responding to the findings and recommendations of the child protection systems-strengthening (CPSS) evaluation, the purpose of this consultancy is to support UNICEF to develop a paper describing the the CPSS approach  and to enable systematic tracking of CPSS progress and performance globally.

The Society for AIDS In Africa (SAA), the custodian of ICASA, and the Government of Rwanda,

The 20th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa is taking place in Kigali, Rwanda at Kigali Convention Centre. 

Lancet, Lumos,

This is a summary of three major new papers published in the Lancet with the support of Lumos which shed new light on the situation of children living in institutions globally and make important recommendations for donors, governments, civil society and individuals to help ensure every child can grow up in a safe, supportive and loving family and have the best chance in life.


This publication presents the latest available country data and global and regional estimates of the number of unregistered children.

Ministerio de la Niñez y Adolescencia y Ministerio de la Defensa Pública con la Corte Suprema de Justicia y el Ministerio Público,

El presente informe de sistematización tiene como propósito hacer accesible la información producida en la Cumbre de la etapa final del análisis transversal del sistema de protección de la niñez, y ser una herramienta de comunicación y planificación al servicio de las instituciones públicas que formaron parte de este proceso.

Ministry of Children and Adolescents and Ministry of Public Defense with the Supreme Court of Justice and the Office of the Public Prosecutor,

The purpose of this systematization report is to make available the information produced at the Summit in the final stage of the cross-sectional review of the child protection system in Paraguay, and to be a communication and planning tool at the service of the Government agencies that were part of this process.

Anna Jolly,

This end of project evaluation aimed to synthesise the wealth of data and learnings captured over the life of the Family Reintegration and Prevention of Separation (FRAPS) project to determine if project objectives were met, to complement existing data with primary data collection related to final project outcomes, and to provide a final product that can be used to appreciate the project achievements, challenges and learnings and to guide future programming.